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Process Management

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Process Management

PROCESS MANAGEMENT often times our approach to defining details of operations can be overwhelming especially when there are precisions and step by step approach as per record keeping that is in variance with some key components of a process.

We help to aligning processes with an organization’s strategic goals, designing and implementing process architectures, establishing process measurement systems that align with you organizational goals. so, we have a tailored Process Management solution that educates and organizes managers so that they will manage processes effectively.


School Management System is a powerful, user-friendly platform that automates and facilitates the management of day-to-day school activities. It is aimed to bring about effective standardization and efficiency in school operations, benefiting the school management, teachers, learners and parents. The School Management System allows capturing, storing and retrieving critical information at any point of time. The unique inter-relationship between the various modules makes it highly useful school management software.

Our school management services include:

  • Efficient Staff Management
  • Parents Can Access It Too
  • Workable Inventory Management
  • Track School Vehicle
  • Help Students Admission
  • Attendance Record Just in A Few Clicks
  • Easy Homework Management
  • Better Exam Management
  • Effortless Fee Payment
  • Effective Communication


We help you optimize your processes with digitization or with the use of connected sensors to monitor metrics like pressure, vibrations, temperature,humidity , switches and voltage.

The information gathered can be used to make predictions and preemptive maintenance.

Our IoT services include:

  • Detecting integrity of facility infrastructure
  • Notification when tanks are running low
  • Monitor back-up power sources
  • Monitor employee attendance remotely
  • Collect consumption data effortlessly
  • Refuse collection request
  • Monitor vital parameters, leaks and ruptures on pipes
  • Recover stolen vehicles
  • Improve warehouse security(Burglary)


Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the integrated management of main business processes, often in real time and mediated by software and technology.

Your organization can use management process software to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from many business activities.


Your Business(s) need this kind of solution to help you drive profits and maintain business records. So Let Rapid Access Integrated services help your businesses keep on top of the myriad management responsibilities. You would be sure to manage all business operations, from supply chains to accounting real time.

This can help streamline operations across multiple departments, reducing miscommunication or data duplication. Your businesses can use ERP to consolidate their operations whilst improving growth.

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