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Home Automation

This is most or all of the use of machines/processes run things with little or no human control; to perform work without the aid of people. Advantages commonly attributed to automation include higher production rates and increased productivity, more efficient use of materials, better product quality, improved safety, shorter workweeks for labor, and reduced factory lead times.

This is applied to offices and homes.

Our team of experts work closely with you to design, program, simulate and test automated machinery and processes, and usually are employed in industries such as the energy sector in plants, manufacturing facilities or food processing plants and robots.

We follow through established design and process in other cases for implementation and are responsible for creating detailed design specifications and other documents, developing automation software based on specific requirements for the process involved, and conforming to international standards like IEC-61508, local standards, and other process specific guidelines and specifications, simulate, test and commission developed software.

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