4 Office Video Conferencing Challenges And Solutions

Video conferencing was never as popular as before as it is now. But with remote working and advancement, many establishments adopt video conferencing systems for their guests, meetings and conferences.

Video conferencing permits individuals to hold virtual meetings from their different locations.  It means having face-to-face meetings while in their separate locations. It saves businesses and organizations the hassles of travel, time and physical meetings costs. Video conferencing is used for meetings, conferences, job interviews or any communication needs of an organization.

Technical and software issues are the most common problems encountered with videoconferencing. But, what are the other challenges that disrupt communication and how do you solve them?
In this blog post, we’ll share some challenges of using a video conferencing system and how to solve them. Let’s get at it!

1. Poor Audio and Video Quality

A Video Conferencing solution is only productive when users can see and hear each other properly. Audio-visual problems like echoes, delays and screen sharing lags can bore participants or users. If this continues, your employees or clients might never trust your technical ability and efficiency.
To solve this, ensure your video conferencing software and tools are updated and available for all participants.

Ensure your wires and cables are properly connected. Most times, the poor sound is a result of the right cable in the wrong port. Use acoustic equipment that can reduce echoes and reverberations. Invest in quality microphones and cameras for larger meetings, conferences or rooms. And, seek professional help when installing a video conferencing system. This will save you time, embarrassment and money.

2. Security Threat

With the increase in technological advancement, comes security issues and cybercrimes. Video conferencing involves transmitting messages using texts, audio and files using screen sharing. For businesses, this information may be highly sensitive. So, working with a video conferencing solution that doesn’t guarantee information security can be a challenge. What’s the point of videoconferencing if we still have to schedule another physical meeting for sensitive information?
To solve this, ensure your solution provider uses the latest encryption technology. Also, find out the security protocols of the system you wish to adopt.

3. Incompatible browser issues

Video conferencing systems keep getting updated as the days go by. With new updates, the meeting hosts and participants might not need to download the software to join the meeting. However, they might need to join using a browser. The challenge then is that most video conferencing software runs on updated browsers. So, a client using an outdated version of the browser might experience glitches.

To solve this, ensure your video conferencing system is not browser or version selective. If not, communicate your preferred browser and version requirements on time.

4. Insufficient Internet Coverage

No doubt, good internet is necessary for hitch-free video conferencing. Call quality is one of the most important parts of video conferences. So experiencing low speed, and disruptions due to low internet bandwidth can be a turnoff for your clients, employees or guests.

We recommend that you run speed tests to ensure your internet is strong enough for the work. That’s why you will need the services of a videoconferencing solution provider like Rapid Access to cater for such technicalities.

Install a complete video conferencing solution in your office
Now that you know how to solve some of these video conferencing issues, it’s time to step up to how you can improve your business’s efficiency with the best technological tool and advice.

At Rapid Access, we supply and install a wide range of leading audio and video conferencing technology solutions for different environments within your organization.

Make your video conferencing tech work harder for you with our tech solutions.  You need a trusted video conferencing solution for your organization, business or meetings.

A professional can tell you the best Telecomm approach or equipment you need for your employees, events or clients.
For more information, contact us and let your business do better and achieve more.